Harry kicks him in frustration, telling him to shut up as they are placed in the back of police car. While being arrested, Marv gloats about their crimes, thus confessing to a number of their burglaries. As they threaten the boy, Kevin's neighbor Marley incapacitated them with a snow shovel. The two then manage to ambush Kevin at the Murphy home. Marv reluctantly climbed the rope leading it, followed by Harry but Kevin brandished hedge trimmers and cut the rope, causing the bandits to smash into the house and fall to the ground. They continued the chase and followed Kevin, only to see he was already in a treehouse on the other side of the backyard. Once Harry recovered, he angrily took the crowbar and hit Marv with it. Kevin ran upstairs while Marv grabbed a crowbar and attempted to smash the tarantula, only managing to hit Harry with it. However, Kevin then placed a tarantula on Marv's face, causing him to let go of Kevin, scream, and fling it onto Harry's chest. Harry tripped over a wire and fell on his back, but Marv managed to avoid the trap and leapt at Kevin, managing to grab his foot. Marv remarked that Harry was "missing some teeth." Harry was hit by one as well and landed on Marv. Then they attempted to go upstairs, but a swinging paint can hit Marv in the face, knocking him down. They chased the boy to a flight of stairs, but slipped on some toy cars Kevin had laid out. He finally reunited with Harry who had his share of traps and looked to Marv like a chicken, and they joined forces to capture Kevin. Marv left the basement and resorted to entering through a window, only to step on glass Christmas ornaments on the other side (making him scream with even more pain), angering him to the point of screaming out that he would kill Kevin. Marv screaming after stepping on Christmas ornaments Then, he loses his shoes and socks while climbing tar-covered stairs in the basement and shoves Kevin's nail into his left foot after he steps on it, causing him to fall backwards and scream in immense pain. He soon managed to enter and attempted to turn on a light, but only ended up with an iron falling on his face. As he went down to the basement, he slipped down a flight of frozen concrete stairs. When trying to enter through the kitchen, Marv stuck his head in through the doggy door, but was shot in the face by Kevin with a BB gun. When Marv claimed he was Santa Claus, and "his elf", Kevin poked the BB gun out the doggy door, and shot Harry in the groin, causing him to squeal like a pig. That night, they began their planned plunder of the McCallister home. Later, the two saw Kevin trimming a tree from the yard and realize that he was home alone and decide to come back at 9 at night, which Kevin overheard. While Marv wanted to flee, the two opted to stick around and investigate further. Kevin, alarmed, turned on the Angels with Filthy Souls tape and set off a bunch of firecrackers, confusing Marv and causing him to wonder if there had been a murder at the place by other burglars. When Marv came back the next day, he tried to break in through the dog door with his right foot, but ended up losing his shoe instead, which he quickly grabbed. Thus, the two assumed that the house was occupied, and decided to come back the next day. The two bandits later attempted to break in a second time, but as they went by, Kevin had the house lights on and the place appeared to be occupied due to mannequins that he was operating. Opting not to enter then church to search further, they fled, and Kevin (who was hiding in the nativity scene as a hooded shepherd) returned home. The two bandits became suspicious and followed Kevin, but lost track of him at a nearby church. Kevin recognized Harry, by his gold tooth flashing and fled. This led to an argument as they drive, but accidentally nearly ran over Kevin. On their way out, Marv left a 'calling card' by clogging the drains in the house and leaving the water running, much to Harry's disappointment. While raiding the Murphy home, the phone rang and the answering machine came on with a message being left by Peter McCallister, giving the Murphys' the phone number to his brother's Paris apartment, confirming to the bandits that the McCallisters were gone and they planned to rob the house later that night. Kevin, after observing their shadows, turned on the lights, confusing the burglars and prompting them to flee. Marv and Harry attempted to break in during the day, but unknown to both of them, Kevin McCallister was still home. One evening while driving, Marv's partner, Harry, gloated about how the residents of the neighborhood informed him when they were going to leave for the holiday and that the McCallister house would be their prime target.